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Yes! You Can Avoid “Frozen Face” Video Calls

It’s the modern-day equivalent of speaking to the public with spinach in your teeth.

You’re in the middle of a crucial video call, delivering the greatest point of your pitch, and then…

Your face freezes.

Not in an impressive, thoughtful pose. No, that would be too kind.

Instead, you are immortalized in a pixelated, glitch-ridden grimace, mouth mid-sentence, eyes blinking at half-mast like a character in a retro Nintendo game.

And the worst part? The conversation moves on without you.

By the time your screen unfreezes, your moment has passed. You’re left to awkwardly ask, “Sorry, where were we?” as your boss squints at you, deciding whether to pretend they heard you or just move on. Your credibility, much like your frozen screen, thaws at a glacial pace.

The Hidden Cost of “Frozen Face”

People assume that reliable Internet is just about speed. In reality, it’s about avoiding micro-humiliations that erode your patience and reputation.

The human brain is astonishingly bad at proportionate emotional responses. In theory, a two-second video lag should be no more than a minor inconvenience. Instead, it triggers a primal frustration usually reserved for waiting in a slow-moving grocery line while every other aisle moves faster.

Why? Because delays break the illusion of control.

When your screen freezes mid-sentence, you are no longer in charge of your own communication. You are at the mercy of the great digital gods. A silent, frozen observer in your own meeting. Worse, you now have the unenviable task of reclaiming your authority while pretending the glitch never happened.

This is why dependable Internet is an act of self-defense.

Better Internet is Harmonious

The best technology is invisible. It works so seamlessly that you never even think about it. No one logs into a meeting thinking, I hope my Internet works today. But it becomes the only thing that matters the moment it doesn’t.

Faster speeds don’t just mean quicker file uploads and lag-free streaming (though those are nice perks). They mean:

  • Never having to repeat yourself because your screen froze mid-thought.
  • Never having to send an awkward “Sorry, I lost my connection” texts.
  • Never becoming the subject of an intracompany meme.

In short, it’s why we say “Digital Harmony” means never having to think about your Internet.

And that’s exactly why so many of your neighbors trust CLtel:

“CLtel has the best customer service and products there is. I’ve been a customer of CL Tel for 8 years now and could not imagine changing vendors. Internet is always on and always fast. The few times I’ve encountered a hiccup, the issues are resolved timely and efficiently, impacting my life minimally.”

— CLtel Subscriber

Upgrade Before Your Next Big Moment

At CL Tel, we believe meetings should flow. Seamlessly.

That’s why we’re offering a free upgrade to the next fastest speed tier for three months—so your biggest challenge in a meeting isn’t explaining what you said three minutes ago when your screen unfreezes.

  • No contracts.
  • No fine print.
  • Just fast, reliable Internet that works when you need it most.

Because Clear Lake winters are cold enough. Your screen shouldn’t freeze too.

Call us at 641-357-2111 or upgrade online today.

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